Are the items Authentic?
Our Clothing & Accessories for men & women are high quality replicas made by a different factory at an affordable & cheap price.
My Package is lost or stolen?
Once your item is shipped out we are not responsible for items.Please contact USPS. We do not issue replacements or refunds for incorrect addresss, lost or stolen packages.
What is your return & refund policy?
Due to the nature of some of the products, we do not accept/ allow returns & refunds. Please see sizing chart before purchasing .
What is your Pick up & Delivery Policy?
Pick Up policy:Once your order has been placed and you have checked out please pick a time to pick up & email or text us with this information. You will have 7 days to pick up items. If you do not pick up within the 7 days all items will be taken & be resold & you will not receive a refund.
Delivery Policy:Once you order has been successfully process. you will receive email or text stating when we will delivery and what time. Before delivery you must pay the deposit fee. If the delivery is unsuccessful the first time you will have to pay an extra delivery fee due to the fact that you knew when the delivery was. if you do not want to pay the delivery fee again there will be no refunds.
What is your Shipping & Cancellation Policy?
Shipping Policy:If you are shipping with us You will get a tracking number sent to you via text or email. Please wait 1-3 days for you to receive items. If you still have not receive your items please contact the post office with the tracking number sent to you. We will not be held responsible for items you did not recevice once given to post office it is no longer our responsibility. If you have any questions please contact us at [email protected] or our phone listed below .
Cancellation Policy: Any order that wishes to be cancelled will have a 15% fee deducted from the refund. Contact us Phone number:(954)-591-8678 [email protected]
International Customers
Internationall customers are resposible for any customs & import fees that may apply to your order.